The average house price on SAVILLE CLOSE is £247,963
The most expensive house in the street is 2 SAVILLE CLOSE with an estimated value of £358,516
The cheapest house in the street is 9 SAVILLE CLOSE with an estimated value of £150,788
The house which was most recently sold was 45 SAVILLE CLOSE, this sold on 12 May 2023 for £230,000
The postcode for SAVILLE CLOSE is LE10 1SZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 SAVILLE CLOSE Detached , 98 m2 £358,516 £180,000 14 Jun 2004
4 SAVILLE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 83 m2 £239,087 £140,000 31 Jan 2013
5 SAVILLE CLOSE Terraced , 62 m2 £177,580 £112,500 1 Feb 2008
6 SAVILLE CLOSE Semi-Detached £240,105 £230,000 18 Mar 2022
7 SAVILLE CLOSE Terraced , 54 m2 £176,001 £113,000 23 May 2014
9 SAVILLE CLOSE Terraced £150,788 £113,000 17 Oct 2016
12 SAVILLE CLOSE Semi-Detached £276,913 £71,000 24 Mar 2000
14 SAVILLE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 83 m2 £267,723 £262,000 24 Jun 2022
16 SAVILLE CLOSE Semi-Detached £276,879 £52,500 7 Mar 1997
21 SAVILLE CLOSE Semi-Detached £274,679 £260,000 24 Feb 2022
22 SAVILLE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 88 m2 £238,837 £139,950 30 Jul 2010
23 SAVILLE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 111 m2 £259,205 £78,500 28 Sep 2001
40 SAVILLE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 85 m2 £244,177 £164,000 4 Feb 2015
43 SAVILLE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 85 m2 £254,987 £145,000 20 Nov 2009
44 SAVILLE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 78 m2 £243,679 £140,000 8 Sep 2011
45 SAVILLE CLOSE Semi-Detached £230,000 12 May 2023
47 SAVILLE CLOSE Semi-Detached , 84 m2 £260,451 £165,000 1 Feb 2008
49 SAVILLE CLOSE Semi-Detached £275,764 £67,000 26 Nov 1999